Showing 26 - 50 of 2,012 Results
Livy's History of Rome, Book XXII. With English notes and literal translation, by a Graduate... by Livy, Charles Augustus Maud... ISBN: 9781241429812 List Price: $27.75
A new and original sporting and spectacular drama entitled: The Derby Winner, written by Sir... by Harris, Augustus, Raleigh, ... ISBN: 9781241087913 List Price: $21.75
The Imperial Paris Guide: a brief anecdotal description of the "sights of Paris," with parti... by Anonymous, Cole, Charles Au... ISBN: 9781241105327 List Price: $24.75
Paris and its Environs, displayed in a series of two hundred picturesque views, from origina... by Augustus Pugin, Charles Eng... ISBN: 9781241322519 List Price: $46.75
Lake Victoria; a narrative of explorations in search of the source of the Nile. Compiled fro... by John Hanning Speke, James A... ISBN: 9781241515461 List Price: $34.75
A Summer Search for Sir John Franklin; with a Peep into the Polar Basin. With short notices,... by Edward Augustus Inglefield,... ISBN: 9781241435257 List Price: $28.75
Collected works by Augustus J. C. 1834-1903 Hare ISBN: 9781172826018 List Price: $34.75
A Short Answer to Mr. Freeman's Strictures in the "Fortnightly Review," on the "History of E... by Charles Henry Pearson, Edwa... ISBN: 9781241560867 List Price: $15.75
Paul Jones, founder of the American navy, a history by Augustus C. Buell, Horace P... ISBN: 9781172875313 List Price: $32.75
Detour's Southern California : An Alternative Guide by Cibellis, Matthew, Caswell,... ISBN: 9780963598394 List Price: $14.95
Life and Services of David French Boyd by Gunby, Andrew Augustus, Eag... ISBN: 9781169578111 List Price: $24.76
Living World V1 : Containing Descriptions of the Several Races of Men, and the Different Gro... by Arnold, Augustus C. L., Sam... ISBN: 9781169807297 List Price: $46.36
Ornaments of the Xvth and Xvith Centuries Ancient Timber Houses at Rouen, Caen, Bauvais, and... by Pugin, Augustus Welby North... ISBN: 9781173299552 List Price: $24.75
Prophetic of the Future; War Lyrics, 1914 To 1917 by Haviland, C. Augustus ISBN: 9781174920059 List Price: $15.75
Letters of Colonel Sir Augustus Simon Frazer, K C B Commanding the Royal Horse Artillery in ... by Frazer, Augustus Simon ISBN: 9781174901447 List Price: $46.75
History of Andrew Jackson : Pioneer, patriot, soldier, politician, President by Buell, Augustus C. ISBN: 9781175193032 List Price: $36.75
Paul Jones, Founder of the American Navy : A History by Buell, Augustus C. ISBN: 9781175311979 List Price: $32.75
Paul Jones, Founder of the American Navy : A History by Buell, Augustus C. ISBN: 9781175322975 List Price: $34.75
Questions on the Enlarged and Improved Edition of Goodrich's School History of the United St... by [Goodrich, Charles Augustus... ISBN: 9781175770691 List Price: $18.75
Collected Works by Hare, Augustus J. C. 1834-1903 ISBN: 9781176154018 List Price: $36.75
Paul Jones, Founder of the American Navy; a History by Buell, Augustus C. ISBN: 9781176392281 List Price: $33.75
Bibliotheca Hantoniensis; a List of Books Relating to Hampshire, Including Magazine Referenc... by Gilbert, Henry March, Godwi... ISBN: 9781176438491 List Price: $21.75
Battle of Chancellorsville; the Attack of Stonewall Jackson and His Army upon the Right Flan... by Hamlin, Augustus C. 1829-1905 ISBN: 9781176483491 List Price: $25.75
Paul Jones, Founder of the American Navy, a History by Buell, Augustus C., Porter,... ISBN: 9781171502869 List Price: $37.75
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